Time often seems to fly by or drag on, depending on what we're doing.

Have you ever noticed that a few minutes with a friend can feel like seconds, while waiting for a bus can seem like forever?

The truth is, our perception of time isn't always aligned with the actual passing of it. But don't worry—there are ways we can alter our perception of time.

If Time Is Flying By Too Fast

We all experience those moments when time seems to slip away too quickly, leaving us feeling like we haven't accomplished enough. However, we can slow it down a little.

Fill Your Time with New Activities

We've all heard that time flies when we're having fun, and there's a good reason for that! When we engage in new and different activities, our brains create new memories, making time feel longer. For instance, a weekend filled with exciting adventures will feel much longer when we look back at it compared to one spent watching TV. Philosopher Jean-Marie Guyau was right when he said, "Fill it with a thousand new things"—the more we do, the longer time seems.

Break Free from Routine

We can all fall into the trap of routine, and before we know it, weeks can blend into months. To prevent this, we should aim to mix things up. Try taking a new route to work, or visit a different place for lunch. New experiences provide fresh memories, and this makes time feel more expansive. Routines, on the other hand, make time pass by quickly because they don't offer us much to remember.

If Time Is Dragging

Sometimes, time feels painfully slow, especially when we're waiting for something. But there are ways we can speed it up.

Reframe How You View Waiting

When we're stuck waiting in line or sitting in traffic, time can feel like it's dragging. But we can change how we think about these moments. Rather than focusing on how long the wait is, we can treat it as a mini-break—an opportunity to relax and recharge. This shift in perspective can make time feel like it's moving faster.

Avoid Checking the Clock

One of the quickest ways to make time seem slower is by constantly checking the clock. The more we focus on time, the more it seems to drag. If we can distract ourselves from the ticking clock, we may find that time passes much more swiftly.

Practice Mindfulness

When there's nothing to do, and time seems to stand still, we can practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the sensations around us—feel the seat beneath us, the movement of our feet, or even the hum of a busy room. By immersing ourselves in the present moment, we can train our minds to ignore the ticking of time, and before we know it, that slow-moving train ride or long wait will be over.

Time is a tricky thing—sometimes it feels like it's slipping away, and other times it seems to be dragging on. But the good news is that we can change how we perceive it. Whether we want to make time feel longer or shorter, it all comes down to how we spend it and how we think about it.

So, let's make the most of the time we have, creating memories and experiences that make our lives feel fuller and richer!