Dear Lykkers, a bulbous perennial reaching up to 30cm in height, Narcissus jonquilla boasts long, slender leaves and clusters of very fragrant, small-cupped, deep yellow flowers about 3cm in width that bloom in late spring.

Other Common Names

Common jonquil

Lily of Mary


Narcissus 'Simplex'

Narcissus juncifolius Salisb.


Ultimate Height: 0.1–0.5 metres.

Time to Ultimate Height: 2–5 years.

Ultimate Spread: 0–0.1 metre.

Growing Conditions

Soil Type: Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand.

Moisture: Moist but well-drained, Well-drained.

pH: Acid, Alkaline, Neutral.


Light: Full sun, Partial shade.

Aspect: West-facing, East-facing, or South-facing.

Exposure: Exposed or Sheltered.


Hardiness Ratings:

All ratings refer to UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in °C):

- H1a: Under glass all year (>15°C).

- H1b: Can be grown outside in the summer (10–15°C).

- H1c: Can be grown outside in the summer (5–10°C).

- H2: Tolerant of low temperatures but not surviving being frozen (1–5°C).

- H3: Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1°C).

- H4: Hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5°C).

- H5: Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10°C).

- H6: Hardy in all of the UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15°C).

- H7: Hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20°C).

Rating for Narcissus jonquilla: H6.

Botanical Details

Family: Amaryllidaceae.

Native to GB/Ireland: No.

Foliage: Deciduous.

Habit: Clump forming.

Potentially Harmful: Harmful if eaten; skin irritant. Wear gloves and protective equipment when handling. Harmful to pets (dogs, cats, tortoises). Refer to the HTA guide for further information.


Narcissus are bulbous herbaceous perennials with linear leaves and leafless stems. Flowers may be solitary or in umbels, with six spreading perianth segments and a cup- or trumpet-shaped corona.

Horticultural Group: Division 13 daffodils include all natural species and their varieties and forms.

Plant Range: SW Europe.

How to Grow


Plant at one and a half to two times its own depth in autumn. Prefers moderately fertile, well-drained soil that remains moist during the growing season. Refer to daffodil cultivation for more advice.


Propagate by removing offsets as the leaves fade in early summer.

Suggested Planting Locations and Garden Types

- City and courtyard gardens.

- Cottage and informal gardens.

- Patio and container plants.

- Cut flowers.

- Flower borders and beds.

- Underplanting of roses and shrubs.


Deadhead: Deadhead flowers as they fade and allow leaves to die down naturally.


May be susceptible to:

- Slugs.

- Narcissus bulb fly.

- Narcissus eelworm.

- Bulb scale mite.


May be susceptible to:

- Narcissus basal rot.

- Narcissus leaf scorch.

- Daffodil viruses.